how we make our cider

When we first dreamed up our cidery plans we realised it takes 30 apples to make one pint of cider, which presents a considerable space problem for our 18th-century venue. We've partnered with a local Somerset orchard, who press and slowly age our cider allowing deep complexities to develop. After 8 months, we bring the cider to The Bath Cider House, where the alchemy begins! Blending different varieties with the best quality natural ingredients, from fruit juices to hops, we craft unique ciders that are served in our massive 500L tanks on the bar.

Our ciders

Explore our signature blends, showcasing the finest ciders blended on-site at Bath Cider House. Each pint, from crisp classics to fruity experiments, embodies our dedication to cider artistry.
Head to the bar to find out which 4 we currently have on our taps.

our cider partners

In deepest Somerset, our scrumping partners, Orchard Park Farms and Neil MacDonald grow only the finest apples. With over 160 varieties of apples, our ciders hail from Somerset's best orchards.

Meet our head cider maker

Our Head Cider Maker, Max, has been well known as Head Brewer at The Bath Brew House for the last 8 years, where he's won awards for his eclectic and experimental brews. He now joins us at the Cider House to bring his vast expertise to the cider game. We asked him a few questions.

What’s your favourite cider, Max?
A medium dry Somerset cider with a bit of a tang. I love a bit of malic acid in there too.  

Still or Sparkling?
Fizzy cider. I prefer keg – it keeps fresh, tasty and gives that extra mouth feel.  Did you know that bubbles are giving you a little bit of pain on your tongue? It’s that what makes you like it.

Saucy. What’s your first cider memory?
I think my first drink in a pub was a Bulmers on ice – something nice and sweet, but when I was about 16, a friend of mine brought back up the contents of a three-litre bottle over a living room floor.  It’s a memory that hasn’t left me. 

Any top tips for aspiring scrumpers?
Go and visit an orchard, walk around and taste all the different types of apple, so that you really understand what all the varieties taste like, and how picking an apple will change the taste of your final cider product.